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Welcome to Florida Keys SHRM

We are the Florida Keys Chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management (also known as Florida Keys SHRM, or, simply, FLKSHRM).  We are an affiliate of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), a national, professional organization.

Whether you are new to the HR field or have many years of experience, we are a local starting point for networking, information, professional development and continued support of excellence in Human Resources.   We welcome your use of this site as a resource and encourage you to check back frequently for updated information. We also encourage your involvement and suggestions about all our activities, on the web and off.

Join us for our upcoming Chapter Meeting on Wednesday, February 12, 2025.


Leadership Truth Bombs

(What Your Team Wants you to know But Isn't Saying)?

Indie Bollman

Coaching / Consulting / Keynote / Author


February 12, 2025

Virtual Meeting 

11:45 am – Chapter News

12:00 pm – Program


  • Description: 

    Leaders want their company to grow; and they know they need a great team to do that.  

    They also need great leadership to develop those teams because their growth means the company grows, and in that order.  So, what does their team want and need from leadership?  

    This workshop provides some answers to that important question via straight talk about what teams really want from their leadership.  The Leadership Truth Bombs delivers quick, but powerful, insights based on years of leadership experience and developing teams and other leaders.  

    The Leadership Truth Bombs are clear, but impactful, and delivered in an entertaining and engaging package.  It’s designed to deliver these important points succinctly so that your time is well spent, and you leave with actionable ideas on leadership skill development from the perspective of today’s, often hard to get and keep, top talent.

    Key Learning Objectives:

  • To gain a perspective of what top talent is looking for in leadership and company culture today.

  • To consider how a company’s leadership philosophy and approach can help get the results executives are driving towards.

  • To understand how purpose matters in business, to teams, customers, and how to lead with it.

  • To gain simple and actionable ideas on the importance of improving communication and connection with teams.

  • To understand how emotional intelligence plays a powerful and critical role in leadership.

  • To reflect how leadership today may impact what their company will look like in five years.

  • Speaker:

  • For over 30 years, Indie Bollman has been a noteworthy and respected leader in the organizational development and human resources space.  You may know her for her work at Trailer Bridge, Inc. where she served as the Chief People Officer, and where she played a key role in creating the award-winning culture, turnaround, and growth the company is known for.  Indie also served in executive and leadership positions in the technology and engineering spaces during her career, where she assisted companies in startup or rapid growth mode by establishing teams; creating and launching training and development programs; and creative solutions to support their growth and development.  She currently offers executive coaching, training and development consulting, and keynote and event speaking to companies and organizations.

    She can also be credited with contributions to innovative wellness, community outreach, and training and development programs – including leadership development and mentoring – all of which she is passionate about, long before they were mainstream. 




    Florida Keys Chapter, SHRM


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